La Dolce Vita
La Dolce Vita is a lifestyle, an attitude, a way of life!
Find great Advice below from an Italian Lifestyle Expert
In Italy, the day seems longer. I have reflected on why this is for many years and think it is a combination of factors. Firstly, our meals are more leisurely thus creating a balance with the time spent in the office. Secondly, a great deal of time is spent outside, especially taking a “passeggiata” the famous Italian tradition of walking after every meal. Lastly, Italians enjoy their surroundings no matter where they find themselves! So, no matter where you live, take time to balance your life with leisurely meals and long walks! Buona Passeggiata!
Part of the Italian “Dolce Vita” is being in touch with your physical wellness: feeling well, eating well, looking great! In Italy, we walk miles a day, which is more difficult to do in the United States where we are constantly in our cars! But there are so many ways to be physically active, no matter what your age. I love Barre exercise, which has really become popular in the last few years. For me, it is a lovely reminder of all my years spent in ballet! And let’s not forget Yoga! The combination of the stretching and quiet reflection is wonderful both physically and spiritually!
Italian women embrace their femininity. So many of my friends, when they return from a trip to Italy, tell me how impressed they were by women of all ages in Italy: the way they dress, the shape they are in and their gorgeous makeup. It is all part of being beautiful!
Beauty, as we all know, begins within, so feeling good by eating well, eating fresh food, coupled with a wellness routine is part of daily life for Italian women. But, as Italian women, we also believe in gilding the lily so we definitely love our makeup!
In Italy red lips are classic. Think of classic Italian beauties: Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Monica Bellucci – and you always picture beautiful, sensual red lips. I was very lucky to begin my career working for Estee Lauder and learned so many beauty tips that I use to this day! I am constantly asked about my beauty routine, so on this page I will share a different “secret” every month! Discover the secrets here.
Loving Life, Loving Family
If you have to think quickly of one phrase that sums up the Italian way of life – what would it be? “LA FAMIGLIA”!!!
To us, family is everything, the core of our being, the reason we exist. I would wither and die without mine.
So we embrace every moment together: the food, the wine, the laughter, yes, even the shouting!!!
It is all part of La Dolce Vita, living every moment, (good and not-so-good!) to the fullest!
The more you love, the more beautiful you become, inside and out!
It is also healthier.
Have you ever heard of the Rosetta effect? This was a study done many years ago by a group of cardiologists. The town of Rosetta, Pennsylvania had the lowest rate of heart disease anywhere in the country. It was a small enclave of Italian-Americans who remained close to their families in this small town. When interviewed they all expressed the same sentiment: emotional security knowing their family was near and they could turn to each other for anything.
Similarly, in Italy, both heart disease and high blood pressure are at some of the lowest rates in the world. This has to do with a combination of our Mediterranean diet and the closeness of families.