Charleston Treasures
Soul Families & The Family Table
This content was originally posted at the following link:
Have you given much thought to “soul families”? For some, this may be a strange concept especially for those who do not believe in reincarnation. However, I have been giving this concept a great deal of thought today. I believe in soul families!
Our soul families are those souls who reincarnate with us again and again. Lifetimes. We are with them before we come to Earth and to them we shall return as we move out of these bodies and into our next adventure. Our soul families are bonded through unconditional love. What feels like angst or anger or even hatred in this short lifetime will quickly be replaced again with unconditional love at the time of our passing.
I really believe that our families, either blood related or close friends who act as family, are here on this Earth to help us learn, to help us achieve our goals. Our families are our board games. It is through this group of close-knit people that we learn, challenge ourselves, grow, change, and gain wisdom.
How is it then that so many families are dysfunctional? That answer is simple. Without dysfunction, life would be a breeze. We wouldn’t have challenges. We would never have to stretch our definition of unconditional love. We could just exist. But existing is most definitely NOT what we are here to do! We are designed to grow. To change. To evolve.
I have decided to welcome in all aspects of my family’s dysfunction. I no longer question that these situations, as painful as they may sometimes be, are directly created by me, for me, and most definitely with me in mind so that I can have every possible, meaningful, experience in this lifetime. I plan to cherish every single situation. The good. The bad. The painful. The brilliant.
My family is my core. My strength. My daily challenge. I welcome them. We are making a point to cherish this core as much as possible. How? Around our dinner table. The table is the easiest and oldest form of coming together each day. Breaking bread. Sharing a meal. Sharing our days, our challenges, our triumphs.
We think this is the perfect solution. Even in the midst of disagreement, when we come together for a meal, we look each other in the eye. We find solutions. We meet half way. We let discord fall away so that we can once again come back to our core, our most inner strength.
I have posted before on family meals and the importance of the family table. It is through this single act that we join forces, we learn to forgive and healing can begin when needed. Without this daily meal, hurts could be pushed under the table and left unaddressed and triumphs could remain uncelebrated. This is NOT the way life and soul families are meant to exist.
Yes. Soul families. Cherish them. Feed them. Nourish them. Most of all~simply accept your family, the good, the bad and the ugly.
If you are looking for a way to really kick the idea of the family table into high gear, allow me to make a suggestion? Whatever Happened to Sunday Dinner? by Lisa Caponigri….
I am laughing at myself because in my life everything always returns to food or the kitchen! It IS all about the food, right? This book is laid out in 52 menus, one for each Sunday (or whatever day!) of the year. Each menu includes an antipasto, a primo (first course that is usually a pasta dish but could be risotto, polenta or a soup), a secondo with a contorno (main dish with one side) and dessert.
Simple recipes. Not too time consuming. The best part? You can get your entire family involved in some way. Remember that someone has to set the table, make dessert and do the shopping. There are jobs for everyone and in our house, this is the number one way to get everyone excited about a family dinner.
Family dinners. Soul families. They mesh so well together…I hope you will give some thought to ways you can truly promote your family as your core. Even a family of two can celebrate and invite friends and offer recipes in advance and create a meal that can act as a binder to get everyone unified. Break bread with your soul family. Don’t wait….we never know what tomorrow holds!
Blessings for a great evening!
Lisa Renée xo